Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Forest Torlay - reshape update

Finished adding the foliage/fur/hair.....I prefer the multi tones to just a single colour but I need to play around with some of the details a bit more and maybe adding a little something....and taking away too.....

Friday, 19 February 2010

Forest Torlay - reshape

I've arrived at a more refined shape and changed the proportions slightly.....I think these will definitely end up a tad more hairy, although a little bald right now.....

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

TRX - Ent

A little while ago I was sent a TRX figure by Zuchna to customise. TRX is a robot made from wood with articulated arms and stands about 8cm. I really like wooden figures and the simplicity of this one  means a lot of potential for customisation.....also the DIY version of this is a mere $15....a bargain if ever there was....

.....I have most of the idea for the custom finalised in my head and I've started work on it....there's a few technical problems to sort out but that's about it.....so far.....

.....ohnoes where's my legs!

So this is going to be called 'TRX - Ent' - for entomologist.....and that's about all the clues I'm giving at the moment.